
What we’re reading, hearing and watching

These are some key resources that have influenced our view of poverty and mental illness - we’ll add to this over time. If there is a book, documentary, article, podcast or anything else you recommend, please email us we’d love to hear about it… here’s a brief list:

NYT Article: Why poverty persists in America by Matthew Desmond

Webpage: Homelessness Glossary: 15 terms to know

Podcast: According to Need - Katie Mingle and 99% Invisible

Podcast: Gregg Colburn Co-author of Homelessness is a Housing Problem

Podcast: How Ten Global Cities Take On Homelessness with Linda Gibbs & Muzzy Rosenblatt

Book: Bridges out of Poverty

This book by Dr. Ruby Payne has arguably informed my work on the street more than any other

Book: Crazy: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health Madness

If you’re interested in the current state of our mental health system and the story of how we got here, we can’t recommend this book enough

Article: Million Dollar Murray - by Malcolm Gladwell

An oldie but still stunningly relevant

Book: Tattoos on the Heart - the power of boundless compassion

I’ve given more copies of the book away to friends than any other - by Father Greg Boyle Founder of Homeboy Industries

Podcast: On Being interview with Greg Boyle - by Krista Tippett

We recommend the unedited version

Resources for folks experiencing or hoping to aviod homelessness:

Resume Builder

Caring: Emergency housing guide for seniors and their caregivers